The Waldorf University Library is once again open to the greater Forest City Community. That means we will soon get back to hosting events that the general public can attend, as well as allowing community members to check out materials in person. However, because many people preferred the online system for checking out books, we will continue to offer this method for the near foreseeable future. If you would like to check out a book using the Online Mode, please follow these steps:  

  1. Look in the catalog for an item you want. If your search has more than one word, use quotation marks around them: i.e. "leadership qualities"

  2. Fill out this form to request your item.  Please use a different form for each request.

  3. You will receive an email acknowledging your request. The library will inform you by email when your request is ready. Picking up your request will require your ID. Please wear a mask when entering the building to pick up your request.


Phone: 641.585.8110

Email[email protected]

Facebook: Waldorf University Luise V. Hanson Library

Twitter: @WaldorfLibrary

Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m.-11 p.m. CST
Friday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. CST
Sunday: 4-10 p.m. CST

Library Services

The Luise V. Hanson Library provides a wide range of services to current students, faculty, staff and community members with a valid Luise V. Hanson Library card. If you have questions or concerns regarding our services, please contact the library staff.

Auxiliary Services


A copier is available in the copy room adjacent to the reference desk area. Copies are 10 cents per page. Staplers, a hole-punch and a paper cutter are available for use in the copy room.


A microfilm reader is available for use in the copy room. Please inquire at the circulation desk for assistance in using the machine.


Items dropped off for laminating will be available for pick-up on the next business day. Rates charged vary between department use and personal use.

  • Department use: $1/foot
  • Personal use: $2.25/foot


A scanner is available for public use at the workstation across from the circulation desk. 

Classroom Equipment

Classroom equipment is available to Waldorf University faculty, students and staff. Before requesting media equipment, please check the classroom you are using. Most classrooms are equipped with an overhead and many with TV-VCR-DVD carts. Equipment available for check-out includes non-LCD overhead projectors, TV/VCR/DVD carts, tape/CD players, slide projectors, projector screens, wireless presenters/laser pointers, digital cameras/camcorders, Aver Media document camera and I-Clicker set.

If your classroom does not have the required equipment, you will need to:

  1. Check in and around the area of your classroom. Often media equipment is stored in a department office area or even in a nearby hallway or stairwell.
  2. If you cannot find the needed equipment, contact the library to make a reservation.

In order to accommodate your request, please provide a 24 hour notice at minimum, including your name, class, date and time needed. Reserved equipment (except for TV carts) will be available for you to pick up at the circulation desk. TV carts will be delivered to the specified classroom. Please return all equipment to the circulation desk so that it can be checked in and available for others to use.

In the case of equipment malfunction, contact the library front desk (ext. 8110) and a staff member will try to provide immediate assistance. For LCD projection unit questions or concerns, contact the IT department. If your classroom has the required equipment you need, please check if the equipment is in working order. Common problems include burned out bulbs, disconnected cables, etc. Contact the library if any problems are noticed and staff will attempt to fix the problem or locate a replacement.

Resources for Faculty & Staff


If you have a specific title you would like to request or if you would like to discuss possibilities for developing a particular area, please come in and see us, or drop us an e-mail at [email protected]. Material is added yearly and by patron or faculty request.

Copyright & Academic Integrity Information

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