The interlibrary loan service supports the library's goal of meeting the research needs of students, faculty administration and staff by providing access to material not owned by the library. Requests for loans of material are made from participating libraries. We reciprocate this service by lending items from our own collection. Requested material is provided in compliance with copyright guidelines.
Before Making a Request
Before making a journal article request, consult the Full Text Electronic Journals database to search for the specific journal title for your article. Articles not available in one library database may be available in another. Before making a book request, consult the library catalog to verify that the library does not own the title. Distance education/online students: please read the section covering types of material available before submitting your request. Interlibrary Loan Request Form
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible to use interlibrary loan?
Students, faculty and staff of Waldorf University are eligible for interlibrary loan privileges. Spouses of faculty and staff also have interlibrary loan privileges. Community patrons with valid Luise V. Hanson Library cards are eligible to borrow materials, but priority is given to Waldorf students, faculty and staff. Community members are limited to two interlibrary loan items checked out at one time and a total of 25 interlibrary loan items in one calendar year.
What types of materials are available through interlibrary loan?
Books, photocopies of articles, musical scores, government documents and most ERIC documents are generally available. Dissertations, materials reproduced in microform and A/V (e.g. DVDs, VHS, CDs) are less readily available but may be obtained in some cases. Interlibrary loan requests for textbooks are not accepted.
Online students are eligible to request articles or a specific book chapter through interlibrary loan. Entire books and other materials cannot be shipped to the student and will need to be requested through the student's local library.
The following types of materials are generally not available through interlibrary loan:
- Bound periodical volumes
- Materials that are considered rare, fragile, or too valuable to lend
- Print materials available only from foreign libraries
- Recently published or high-demand items
- Reference materials
What does it cost?
Generally, there is no cost to for requests. If the cost to obtain the item exceeds the amount we are able to absorb, you may be asked to cover part of the cost.
How long does it take before requested items arrive?
Items usually arrive in 5-7 days. A notification will be sent once the item is available.
How long can I keep the material?
Loan periods are set by the lending library. Generally, books are given a one-month loan period. You may be able to renew items; however, renewals are dependent on the lending library's policy. Email [email protected] to make a renewal request before the original due date. Photocopies of articles or book chapters do not need to be returned.
How much are overdue fines?
In order to maintain borrowing services with our lenders, items need to be returned to the circulation desk by the due date provided. Fines for overdue interlibrary loan materials are $.25/item per day. Interlibrary loan items overdue for one month will be considered lost and the patron will be charged a $10/per item billing fee in addition to replacement charges for items. Replacement charges are determined by the lending library.
Who do I contact if I have other questions?
For additional information, please contact [email protected].
Photocopies of periodical articles may be restricted due to U.S. Copyright Law. The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Under certain conditions specified by law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a copy or other reproduction. One of the specified conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship or research." If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopied reproduction for purposes in excess of "fair use," that user may be liable for copyright infringement. This institution reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order, if, in its judgment, fulfilling the order would involve violation of copyright law.