Are you looking for a dynamic career in media?

Waldorf’s communication program will prepare you for many exciting positions within the communications industry by combining a liberal arts education with specific job skills and service to the greater community. Waldorf will help you improve your proficiency in written and verbal communication, visual literacy and multimedia skills. The bachelor’s program began in 1993 when professors David Damm and Mark Newcom created a bachelor’s program in communications at Waldorf University. Using their professional media experience and research into successful programs from throughout the country, the professors built a strong program based on several key ingredients.


Email: [email protected]

Phone: 800.292.1903

Department Hours: M-F: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. CST


Waldorf’s communications faculty know you won’t really start to learn until you get your hands on a project and create. Whether you favor written or electronic communication, you will have semester after semester of opportunities to write, record, edit and design. Your passion to produce will lead the way.

  • Digital Media
  • Graphic Design
  • Journalism
  • Public Relations

Campus Media

Can you picture yourself hosting your own radio program, shooting a TV show, editing a film, writing for a newspaper, designing a magazine or planning a special event? “Picture” no more. Your dreams become reality from the first day you set foot on campus. All the latest digital technology becomes your playground to find new heights of creativity. Go ahead – we dare you!


You and your fellow students will manage the KZOW 91.9 FM radio station, including the opportunity to broadcast your very own live show. You will learn music programming, public relations, production and promotion. Plus, you can support your fellow Warriors as you call play by play for the Warrior Sports Network.  Start thinking about your on-air name.

When you are out of the studio, you can enjoy your friend’s broadcasts and the latest music 24 hours a day, 365 days a year on the radio or web stream. Bonus!

The Lobbyist

Grab your reporter’s notebook, because you’re on the scene.  You will learn how to report the news happening on campus and in the community with excellent writing and compelling photographs.  Get the facts – get the quote – then get your name in print in Waldorf’s online newspaper, The Lobbyist.

The Torch

Wanna know something that looks amazing in a portfolio?  A full-color, beautifully designed magazine with your name on the list of contributors.  You and your classmates will plan, design and write for The Torch, Waldorf’s campus magazine.

Not only will you “torch” your first job interview, but you’ve got your holiday gifts covered.

Download previous editions of The Torch.


Lights – camera – YOU are the action!  Take your turn as producer, director, anchor, camera operator or floor director on our weekly campus programs.  You might even have an idea for your very own show which, by the way, will be broadcast on cable and LiveStream.

You’ll master the professional cameras, lighting and communication needed to bring your ideas to life on screen.  Are you ready for your close up?