- Creative Writing
- English
- Residential
- Academics
FOREST CITY, IOWA, March 13, 2023 – Waldorf University to host author Oscar Oswald on Thursday, April 13, 2023. The event is a part of the Distinguished Visiting Writers Series sponsored by the Waldorf University English Department and Creative Writing Department. The reading from 5-6 p.m. is free and open to the public in the Lounge at the Luise V. Hanson Library.
Oscar Oswald is a poet and teacher at the University of Idaho; spending the entirety of his life in the west, you will find his poetry is engaged with western myths and their realities. Oswald’s poetry has appeared in “The Antioch Review,” “Colorado Review,” “Denver Quarterly,” “Seneca Review,” “New England Review” and “Fence,” among other journals, and he has published prose and criticism on “LitHub” and “The Offending Adam.” Oscar has a doctorate. in English and creative writing from the University of Nevada Las Vegas, where he was a Black Mountain Fellow. He was assistant editor for “Noemi Press” and poetry editor for “Witness.” His first book of poems, “Irredenta,” was an Editor’s Choice manuscript from Nightboat Books, published in 2021.
For more information, please contact Joe Milan at [email protected].